Friday, November 19, 2010

So, about this lengthy absence...

Oh blog, sweet blog... I haven't forgotten about you. I even came across you a few times and thought, "shit, I should contribute something for the 3.5 people who may or may not (the latter) actually look at this sometimes" (That .5 is for Bryan. I don't know who the hell he is, but my guess is he doesn't really exist [if you do, I'm sorry Bryan.]) But, then I'd think about all the schoolwork that there was to be done/ the time I had to waste, and I'd move on.

Fuck, I didn't even have a Halloween post. :(

But here I am. I'm sick, so clearly I have nothing better to do than talk about boobs/blood/liquor/fashion/key-per from Adventure Time.

Oh my god, could you imagine the glory if all of those things came together in one amazing place!?!

That's fucking exactly what it would be like. I could live in that rectangle forever.
(I've mentioned the quality of my photoshop skills before, right?)
(also, red is the best color. for everything.)

Anyway, that's it. Yay my triumphant return! I'm gonna go cough up some more snot now.

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