Monday, September 6, 2010

Philly Fringe

So, the 2010 Philly Live Arts Festival started last Friday. I haven't had a chance to go to any of the shows yet, but hopefully, starting this Thursday night, I will.

There's one show in particular, and I'm sure you can guess why, that I am particularly excited for:

A Tale of Two Brains
Little Bunny Voodoo

It's a fucking zombie puppet show! I'm just...YES! Anyway, so if you're in the Philly area, this is going to be playing this coming Thursday, Friday and Saturday at either 8:00 or 10:00 at the Ruba Club on 4th and Green. It's only $10. GO SEE THAT SHIT!!!

And if zombie puppets aren't your thing, there are a whole bunch of other cool shows, so go check it out! Here's the link– 2010 Philadelphia Live Arts Festival

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