Friday, August 20, 2010

Been gone for far too long

Well, since I last posted, the class from hell ended, I didn't fail, in fact, I got a B (super yay!) AND I went back home for about nine days. In fact, I'm home now. A couple days ago (Wed.) was doctor day. I got up close and personal with one of these–

Speculum, sweet speculum. It's been a year since our last rendezvous. Thanks for the bodily invasion.
Oh, and did I mention that my gynecologist has fingers like this–

Seriously, the man has MASSIVE hands/fingers. It's sick. Really, man? Gynecology? It's the one profession where you knew you'd be shoving your ridiculous fingers into women's vaginas on a daily basis. Fuck you, dude.
Other than that, it was just the dentist (who I want to bang) the GP and the optometrist. Nothing special. Except that it was all in one day.

What else, OH, yes... I saw Piranha today. The new one, if that wasn't obvious...
All I have to say is....

And gore. That too. But fuck man, it's Alexandre Aja. Should I expect anything different? Didn't think so.

Ah, the glorious combination of sex and violence. Where would I be without it?

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