Monday, August 30, 2010

Of family and questionably attractive men

So, I've got family in town, thus the absence, but uh, here's a thoughtlet–

It's kind of been bothering me. It shouldn't, because I mean, people wanna bang who people wanna bang. But I don't know man... I'm 21 years old, and of all the people in the world– ALL OF THEM– if I could pick one person to have sweet sweet sex with... I would choose a man who is 46 years old, pretty much bald, approximately 6 inches taller than me, (and I am SHORT, like...REALLY short.) and who hails from New Jersey (okay, that last one isn't a bad thing.)

You know what, though? Fuck it. I think he's hot as hell, and he gives me filthy disgusting thoughts. You'll be in my sick fantasies tonight, you sexy little beast, you.

Anyway, yeah, other then that, just entertaining the family. Toodles.

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