Tuesday, August 3, 2010

History repeating itself

Well, Mr. Somebody-who-needs-to-fall-right-on-their-balls, thing is, it kind of happened again. That's right, I stayed up all night. Except this time, instead of making a "Songs for Strippers" playlist, I cleaned my kitchen. Instead of writing smut, I read other peoples' smut. Like, A LOT of other peoples' smut. And instead of watching Batman, I watched Star Trek. I did watch more porn, but that's kind of a given. So, as I said before, I want nothing to do with you or your pretentious blathering. The difference is, I don't feel so bad about it this time. So no, I'm not sorry that I didn't make it in. I'll see you on Thursday...asshole.

God dammit, up late again. Surprise surprise. Okay, difference is, I have a chance to recover this one. It's not even 3:30 yet. I should get my dumb ass to bed, now, and make myself go in because lord knows I need to. Having said that, there's more porn that needs watching. Decisions decisions...

Not really, I am going to bed.

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