Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Dreams, dreams, bitchez!

I didn't get to sleep until almost 6. Lame sauce. But lord did I dream.

So, what I do remember is, I was living in my uncle's house, except it wasn't where it should be- it was in some odd nebulous universe with plants everywhere.

In any case, my dad was there. He was planning a painting that was going to be some 20 feet tall, all gold with black writing on it. I was supposed to help him with it. We were going to go get a giant stack of canvases that we were going to connect together to make the big canvas.

But then I woke up, looked at my clock and it was fucking 4:30 in the afternoon, and I had a midterm in my art history class. I figured fuck it, I'd try to come up with a good excuse. I wondered when my roommate would get back because we were supposed to go to a show.

She was back, and we were getting cleaned up to go. There were some sort of monsters running around with no real faces, just a giant lump of scar tissue (or something) with a mouth on it, so we had to make ourselves up to look like them. So, the two of us were walking through some dark, orange-lit alley, chit chatting. We wondered if we had enough money for the trolley.

And then I woke up for real. Terrified, I looked at the clock. It was not 4:30, it was 10:39. I don't have a midterm today. Fuck you, dream, that was not cool. Also, I'm still REALLY tired.

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