Monday, July 12, 2010

A Song

Here's a little ditty someone wrote for me once upon a time. Names have been removed to protect my identity and the identity of the poor soul I allegedly defiled.


A- C- had a dream
That she was a princess
And she kept H- S. T- under her bed
And she pulled him out
Even though he was dead
And she practiced

Thanks, Lauren, for the endless joy this song has brought me. Also, should you choose to share this with the world, there are rules to singing it:

- you sing when nobody's looking
- if they look, you have to stop until they look away
- the necrophilia bit must be belted out at the top of your lungs
- these names, of course, can be replaced with any name and the name of their dead loved one as you see fit.
-have fun!!!

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