Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Midterm/Sweet Shoes

Well, I have a midterm tomorrow. Too much stuff. Just way too much stuff. Too many slides. Way too many readings. I'm just straight up going to fail. I have accepted this. Thanks, class, for totally annihilating what has otherwise largely been a week of immense joy and laughter. In short, I'm giving up on studying and painting some bullet holes on my fingernails. :)

The only reason that I am at all happy about this is that afterwards I get to go home, dye my hair (super yay!), and then drink too much and watch some sexy cinema. (that isn't porn... that's for later)

Then I have to write a paper this weekend. Why do you hate me, teacher/class. I've been so happy this summer. Classes should not make me feel such rage. Especially not for a subject that I'm so interested in... *melodramatic sigh*

To counteract my bitching, here's some bitchin shoes (some of which make me wish I was a stripper... just saying)

These first ones... I bought them. I seriously, for real, bought them. I placed the order today. Fuck yes and a half zombie shoes....
And these...I would wear them in real life. Without question.

These too. I want these shoes. I am giving very serious consideration to buying them. I just don't know if they're worth the $175. Still dude, classiest stripper shoes ever. Come on... naked lady on the heel... yes. Yes x100.
I'd buy these too. They're classy in normal terms.
I'm really kinda sad this man is gone. And not just because of these shoes. (they are amazing though...)

Yup... love you hard. So so hard. I don't care if you'd make me fall down and die. You're in the perfect kind of colors for me too...

THESE! These motherfuckers! I've never wanted to be a stripper so bad in the whole of my life.
And these... *lick* Anytime. Anywhere. I'm talking to you, snake heels. Let's party.

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