Monday, July 26, 2010

Unrelated photographs

This little bitch is makin a web outside my window. Now, I love spiders as much as the next 8 year old boy, but I swear to god, he's sitting there, thinking "Guuurrrlll, if you dun open up yur window fur even one second, I'm'a come in thur and eat yur face right off'a yur skull!" That is exactly what he is thinking, and as much as I love spiders I don't want them in my space, eating my face. Go away, little buddy!

And then there's this:

This is my roommate's first attempt at making a pokeball for a convention costume. Cool, very cool. This version didn't quite work out. But, there's a little something about this one that makes it pretty darn special.

A large portion of the inside is made of some pretty special adverts. Every time I imagine Devs running around in this all day, staring at the ads for TS hookers, I get all giggly.

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