Saturday, July 17, 2010

Inception/Tom Hardy

So, now that I'm about a day and a half late... I saw Inception on Friday (hells yes midnight show!) It was pretty sweet, guys. First off, it was a complete visual treat. The sets and cinematography blew me away. For what was a fairly complex idea/story, it was easy to follow. Having said that, it was still intelligent and exciting. Very exciting. In any case, I'm no critic, so I'm just going to stop and say it was awesome.

And me being me, I also have to say- DAMN! delicious cast! Christ! Leonardo DiCaprio, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Ken Watanabe, Tom Hardy and Cillian Murphy. Even Marion Cotillard. She's a beautiful lady. (Sorry Ellen Page, you're alright, you just do nothing for me). My hormones haven't been so abuzz since I was 13.

And a special shout out to you, Tom Hardy. God damn you're lovely. More people need to know who you are.

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