Friday, July 23, 2010

The landscape of my inbox

I'm glad it's a private place. I think most of these subjects are Devs' fault.

- here is more of gunfuckin
- gappy gappy pigeon
- ...
- qsssssssssssssssssssssss?
this one is only of importance because the first two lines of text in the message are:
1) Candlewax dripping/branding?
2) Rope burns?
- eames is so stunnin with his love glue gunnin
- heels and ass
- draaaaaaaaag!
- suits and squirrels
- bad porno talk
- slap your ballsacks away
- omfg im getting a hard on from them ...
- so we need to go see mad max
(yeah, in like two years)
- i hate and love myself a little...

There're also some e-mails about plane ticket confirmations. But those aren't any good.

Love you roomie


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