Monday, July 12, 2010

The horror

I really truly hate both of these characters.

I think the king molests people in their sleep. He's an asshole.
And this guy. He's just hands down undeniably creepy. Devon says that some day I'm going to be dating a guy, and he's going to haul off and tell me that he's the man behind the mask. I don't think I could stay in that relationship. I'd be afraid that he would come... dance over me in my sleep. And then I'd die of fright. I would die. I'm terrified that she's right. I would date the kind of guy who dresses up as a creepy old man and dances with a screaming horde of children.

I hate children too. Fuck.

Edit: they're both fucking staring at me, pointing at me. WHAT IS THAT!?! Stop judging me! You're both terrible people!

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