Tuesday, July 13, 2010


Devon, Steph, Holiday and Kate. Y'all make living worthwhile.

and you- Ben, Alex, Sarah, (Marc??? git ur ass back up here NOW!) you make...sleeping? beds? worthwhile

AND ALL Y'ALL FOLKS BACK IN GOOD OL' CO! Yeah, that's you Sama and Brenna and Jack and Al and the few sweet-as-fuck people I went to high school with (you know who you are(( that means you too, teachers))) Y'all make coming home worthwhile.

mom dad and alex and yaya too (and aunt nore and greta etc.), but they already knew that. They know I love them. They're family.

Sorry if'n I left you out. You know I love you too. But not if you're a total cunt. Then I don't love you.

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