Thursday, July 15, 2010

Nail party/The life and death of Derpy-cat

My friends blew off class. Instead, we had a nail party.
This is Steph. (and her nails, of course) Yellow on red leopard print. I did the actual pattern, she did the red herself.
This is Devs (A.K.A. the writer of Manticipation) Green on shiny bright pink zebra print. She did it herself. I'm so proud of her.

This is Kate. It started out as plain green, and then she wanted little cats on the thumbs. One cat, as you can see, turned out cute. The other did not- his name is Derpy-cat. I did both of these cats. What the fuck, self? Sorry, Kate.

Eventually little Derpy-cat was just too much to deal with and he had to be put out of his misery. Here you can see Cute-cat and the dissolved remnants of his brother. May you rest in peace, Derpy-cat.

And last but not least, here's me. My plain old sparky blue nails just felt so out of place in a room full of bedazzled nails. So, this happened. I don't think anything else needs to be said. Kate did the cock+balls and Steph did the jizz. I love you guys so much. This is the best thing that has ever happened to my nails.

In conclusion, weekly nail parties!

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