Monday, July 12, 2010


HOLY CHRIST! I just felt a skin flake from my back fall down my pants. I don't like this, everyone. I don't like it at all! I feel like I'm shedding, but it's not like when a snaked do it. They leave something awesome behind. No, these skin flakes just litter my bed and the inside of my sweater.
Furthermore, I picked one of these little bastards up earlier thinking it was something else. It was only when I started tearing it in two and recognized the texture that I realized I was tearing my own skin that had fallen off of my fucking body!
The sun is an asshole. NO, I am an asshole for letting this happen to me. Oh, and spray-on sunscreen blows too. It's unreliable and it gave me a drippy sunburn. All the pain of a sunburn and twice as dumb-looking.
That's my gross drippy peely sunburn. Thought everyone could do with a bit of vomit-inducing imagery.
And if that didn't do it, here's this joyful nugget.

Yeah, that's what's floating around inside my pants somewhere. And in my bed. And my sweater. And probably the floor. Sorry Devs.

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